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Skartnak addict

Inscrit le: 25 Avr 2007
Messages: 48
Localisation: Wavre, Belgique

MessagePosté le: Dim 25 Nov 2007 13:03    Sujet du message: I FOR US/DISOBEDIENCE news nov 07 : THE END OF ALL REASON Répondre en citant


I For Us Records is proud to announce his collaboration with one of the most promising band in the Belgium metal/hardcore scene : THE END OF ALL REASON.
Despite their young age, the band impress with their already mature and ferocious death-metal songs full of technical and melodic parts.
Inspired by numerous bands from At the Gates to Decapitated, TEOAR provides a sound which is comparable to modern day acts like The Red Chord and The Black Dahlia Murder.
But don't expect the band to be a rip-off of today's leaders of the genre. They incorporate various elements from any kind of extreme music to bring you the best of all.
You can listen to one song that was recorded some months ago on their myspace ( This song will not appear on
the band's first EP set to be released on I For Us in early 2008.

"While coldness is taking over the little town of Groot-Bijgaarden near Brussels, the guys from non-stop evolving metalmachine THE END OF ALL REASON, are preparing thereselves for their first I FOR US Records release. As time went by over the past 4 years, TEOAR underwent not only a physical changement, but a music-style evolution too. Throughout these years they have created their own style which they are eager to show the world. After the first split-demo with longtime friends A Trail of Horror, they where discribed as 'a band to keep an eye on for the future' by The Insider Magazine. Well, now is the future and this band can't wait
to show you what they got. All songs for their first real EP are written, and the next few months will be spent in the rehearsal room. Next step : straight to the studio to record this beast ! What you can expect is some oldschool TEOAR but there will be more. A lot more...
Naming one genre to fit this release would be an insult to the band's creativity. What you will hear is definitely the most progressive U-turn this band has made, but without
losing touch with their melodic deathmetal/hardcore origins. With tons of shows on their palmares and an excellent live reputation, TEOAR has proven that they can easily play along with the bigger names in the belgian scene. TEAOR also has the advantage of being able to excite people who all have different kinds of musical preferences. From death-metal to traditional heavy-metal, from black to hardcore and straight on to some technical math-metal. The new style includes it all. If you happen to cath this band live any time soon, you'll allready get a glimpse from what's coming to you. But know, it's just a glimpse ... And prepare, for an inner-ear beating of a lifetime."


Expect more news about this upcoming event in the next weeks !


- Die Out! will soon enter the studio to record a second new song that may appear on a future 7 inch. Time will tell ! In the meantime, they'll play the last shows in support of their ep and will then concentrate on writing new songs to be included on their first full-lenght CD.

- Endzweck will release their second full-lenght album in Japan on 19th december. Unfortunately, the european release of "The Grapes Of Wrath" (on I For Us) is pushed back to january. The exact date will follow.

- Fire At Will continue to play shows in support of their EP and will soon tour the Benelux and Germany (end of december/early january). Look for the dates soon on their myspace page.

- Last Star Down is busy writing new songs for their first full-lenght effort. They'll however play on january 6th at the Magasin 4 in Brussels alon their label mates Die Out! (The Setup will headline the show, more infos soon).

- Meleeh "Heartland" CD is getting great reviews so far. If you haven't checked them out yet, you can listen to one song of the album on their myspace. They'll tour western Europe early next year, dates will be revealed in the next weeks.

- Nine Eleven keep on touring a lot in support of "Use Your Disillusion".
They'll soon replace their bassist and singer, keep an eye on these changes, you might be surprise !

- Revive posted a third song of their album "Beliefs Of An Old Past" on their myspace page. The track is called New Standard Of Ethic. Hope you'll enjoy it !


We added tons of new stuff on our online store. Prices are cheap and you’ll get fast and quality service. Head to to browse our catalog.

That's all for now, thanks to everybody for your love and support !

The IFU/Disobedience crew
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